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BNC Group

BNC Group aims to build a senior friendly ecosystem for senior citizens by educating senior care to stakeholders who interact with elders and providing senior transportation services to promote a sustainable aging society.

:    12
:      3,000,000.00


Enhance elderly mobility by providing convenient, safe and worry-free transportation service

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

11.2 By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons

11.7 By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities

Create a senior friendly society that understands elderly needs and offers better access to various destinations, products and services by elderly

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities



    Elderly living in urban settings with limitation in mobility due to physical degeneration. They are reliant on their adult children/caregiver to travel to different places but their children mostly unavailable to bring them around on work days. Both elderly and their adult children are in the middle to upper middle income group, who are unable to afford hiring full time driver/caregiver but need transportation service occasionally

Go Mamma provides taxi service with trained taxi drivers and service packages tailored to the needs of elderly

Elderly able to travel with the support of Go Mamma's taxi service

No. of trips provided to elderly customers

No. of times

No. of times

Go Mamma provides taxi service with trained taxi drivers and service packages tailored to the needs of elderly

More elderly able to access Go Mamma's taxi service

No. of users registered on Go Mamma Application

No. of persons

No. of persons

Go Mamma provides taxi service with trained taxi drivers and service packages tailored to the needs of elderly

Elderly becomes more active in traveling outside of home

No. of trips per MAU per month

  • Enhance elderly mobility by providing convenient, safe and worry-free transportation service

Elderly able to travel with the support of Go Mamma's taxi service

More elderly able to access Go Mamma's taxi service

Elderly gains more confidence and self-esteem with the increased independence in traveling

Self report of higher confidence and self-esteem

  • Enhance elderly mobility by providing convenient, safe and worry-free transportation service

Elderly able to travel with the support of Go Mamma's taxi service

More elderly able to access Go Mamma's taxi service

Provides training focusing on healthy lifestyle and disease prevention for elderly

Elderly receives training

No. of elderly that receives training

No. of persons

No. of persons

Provides training focusing on healthy lifestyle and disease prevention for elderly

Those who are trained has an increase in knowledge and awareness on the effects of their lifestyle choices

Increase in knowledge and awareness

Provides training focusing on healthy lifestyle and disease prevention for elderly

Adoption of healthier lifestyle among elderly


Elderly receives training

Those who are trained has an increase in knowledge and awareness on the effects of their lifestyle choices


Adult children of the elderly

    Adult children of elderly who has limited mobility. They are in the middle to upper middle income group that lives in the cities. They are mostly bound by full-time employment and are unable to bring their parents around often.

Go Mamma provides taxi service with trained taxi drivers and service packages tailored to the needs of elderly

Better time management


Go Mamma provides taxi service with trained taxi drivers and service packages tailored to the needs of elderly

Ease of mind


Go Mamma provides taxi service with trained taxi drivers and service packages tailored to the needs of elderly

Provides training focusing on senior care

Adult children receive training

No. of adult children receive training

No. of persons

No. of persons

Provides training focusing on senior care

Increase in knowledge on senior care


Provides training focusing on senior care

Adult children able to provide better support to their parents

Self report of higher confidence in caring for parents

  • Create a senior friendly society that understands elderly needs and offers better access to various destinations, products and services by elderly

Adult children receive training

Increase in knowledge on senior care


Business operators

    Business operators with elderly as their key customers, e.g. residences, hotels, hospitals, etc.

Provides training and consultation to help business operators improve their existing operation, products and/or services to be more senior friendly

Business operators receive training

No. of business operators trained

No. of organization

No. of organization

Provides training and consultation to help business operators improve their existing operation, products and/or services to be more senior friendly

Business operators have an increase in knowledge and awareness on how to cater to elderly's needs


Provides training and consultation to help business operators improve their existing operation, products and/or services to be more senior friendly

Business operators modify their products and/or services to better serve senior customers


Business operators receive training

Business operators have an increase in knowledge and awareness on how to cater to elderly's needs

Business operators able to expand customer base with improved products and/or services


  • Create a senior friendly society that understands elderly needs and offers better access to various destinations, products and services by elderly

Business operators receive training

Business operators have an increase in knowledge and awareness on how to cater to elderly's needs